Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Assignment #10 MY INSIDE WORLD

            As I arise from a deep and dark sleep filled with memories no longer retrievable. I look up to find the first glance of yellow sunlight in a window inserted in the top of my sealing. I see the sky in all of its glory, colored in with the most soothing shade of blue. The sun peeks in through and its shine gives warmth to my heart and soul leaving me to feel in total peace. I wipe my eyes gently with the soft sleeves from my sleeping clothes marked with really complicated shapes that are so intense that you can get lost its color. I move my sheets away from me for the sun’s warmth is all I need I move toward the latter that leads down to the ground floor. I stretched to grab on to the rail around my bead. I stand up to grab the wooden latter carved with small pictures of events that fill the brain with stories of adventure. I go down it to find a couple feet under my bead the small compartment that holds up my morning clothes. I take them as I continue to climb down to the floor level. As I touch the floor covered by a white carpet i take some time to put my morning clothes on.

 I start to walk toward the door on the walls hang posters of people who have made their mark on the world and are always looked up to be it from fiction or reality they will always be there. The wall painted to look like the ocean and all of its wanders, so realistic you could find yourself crashing the wall attempting to reach for the sand or seashells because of its deep detail. The room is wide full of things that I hold dear like a wooden crate full of old toys. I step up to the end of the room to find my enforced metal door so large it could let in the biggest guest. It is cold and well bolted to the walls. It was like the gate of a castle holding everything out. It is kept together by a powerful lock made of nothing but the air. I reached for the key made of nothing but thoughts and creativity, so I proceeded to open the gate. As I tuned the colossal key it made a loud clanking noise, simulating as if a gun had been fired. As soon as I let go I back away and it all stays silent. The lock turns itself into mist taking with it the chain up into the door. The door slowly stars to open allowing a silent but intense force of air into the room.

I start to walk out to the hallway outside the room. The floor is made of stone. It gives of no cold or warmth. Its walls are a void of nothing. A color so black it could lead to madness and depression. It is a path to infinity that leads to nothing. I take steps towards the end of the long hallway where a rectangle shape is shining. Nothing can be seen outside for it is so bright and as I walk through its nearly blinding luster my eyes adjust and I can see. There is a wide room with a bright and cheering wooden floor. Its walls painted in crimson red color and from it hanging on the wall there is katana that has no flaw and its handle is covered by gold and raped in red cloth when its blade is stainless and gives of vibrations so strong it appears to be alive. Its edge glares and cuts the very air without moving. Under the weapon on the head wall there is a fireplace that never dies out. It is overwhelming and its green flowing tails are wonderful to look at, the fire is the very symbol of glory.

 In the center red couches with a white trim are forming a wide circle in the middle there is a stainless glass table, under it there are only three skinny bronze legs that should collapse under its weight or tip over. It was in perfect balance and harmony with in itself. the room has very wide windows witch let in all of the sun's rays witch gently reflect from the floor. There are two ways to leave the room in the first the door's detailed frame made of carved wood. I follow it and open the wooden door to find my orange kitchen filled with many stoves where the scent is of baked bread and exotic spices. to the left is my fridge three meters tall that when opened it holds in it a cold mountain that holds all of my food buried under its blanket of snow that if looked at carefully has a blue tone in it symbolizing it is un touched. I walk to the other door and its frame is pure silver with a gothic theme to it. The door handle is a transparent crystal that is not quartz or diamond but its transparency reflects the sunlight back with a new feeling of renewal. I turn the handle and open the door where you can see the sunlight entering and filling the inside with shine.

 Outside is a stone walk way that is surrounded by grass and flowers. The walk way is leading to a colossal mountain that appears to touch the heavens. Its top can’t be seen for it is covered by a wide cloud disk that appears to hover over it spirally. I approach the mountain that appears miles away but time is not a factor for you could spend hours doing nothing but time won’t pass until you are tired. The mountain is closer as I look to the sides I find animals of many types and species co existing in peace without a sign of fear or hatred in their hearts. Not far from the mountain its stair in sight you stand in a marble slab at the beginning of the stair way with detailed carvings of a man and god reaching towards each other. For five minutes not more not less you pause and feel the soul of the mountain overseeing you with its immense force. You are judged for what you are and nothing else. I proceed to the stairway and it goes around the mountain more times than can be counted a bit closer to the top you find the stone of the mountain covered with yet more carving of pictures of heroes, monsters, gods and structures. The steps you climb start to fade as you reach the great disk turning into mist witch I proceed to go towards. Stepping on the cloud itself I am not scared of falling but exited to get to the other side. With my sight blinded and no sense of direction I do nothing but fallow my instincts and move on forward. The cloud fading I can see the end of the stair way, in its glory and majesty. I take my first step in it to see a great monument to the heavens, a statue of a man and a woman dressed in armor stretching there hands to reach the sky. Beside it a great building witch the mind, body and soul tell is full of wonders. I sprint towards it but I am not able. The marble floor separates from my feet and I start to float away in to the disk again. I try to reach the floor again but I am simply thrown over the edge and as I fall I pray not for myself but for others as I am 5 feet from hitting the ground all turns dark and I find myself rising from sleep once more.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


We have researched many topics about life and our minds. In this blog I will talk about the things that I have learned better my judgment abou this school and its true reality. Is this school meeting all of our needs? Is it being fair to all of the students? And is what the students think about this school true? Well like always I will always try to answer all of these questions by what I know to be true. To the AHA school this is for you and your administration so you may see what we think about this school and what we feel should be changed.

Honestly I do not think that this school is meeting all of our needs. For example there is a weight lifting class that is only available for those who play sports and there are a lot of people that I know including myself that would really enjoy taking it but we are restricted from it and it is not fair to me and those who would enjoy the exercise (which may I remind is very important) and it is being denied, so if we turn out obese you know to blame the school for it

It is not meeting our mental needs. When I come to school I feel like I am in a prison, that I am not safe and that I am not allowed any kind of freedom. If we have to be in a jail we should at least be allowed more time for lunch. I run to the lunch line from the E-building to find myself waiting for a very long time in line to eat which is mandatory. Later I have 10 minutes at most to relax which I can’t even do with all the fun areas of the school restricted. I mean what s the point of having a huge school if can’t even be on the upstairs couches (why do you put them there if no one can use them when we can) or run through the track.

This school does not meet our emotional needs either because the teachers expect an incredible amount of discipline from us and expect us to do a lot of work, which would be fine if we had a study hall but we don’t, and all the work piles up and we have to use our home time to get all the stuff done, as if we did not have problems at home as it is.

So in conclusion I am honestly not one to complain but this seemed like a great idea to let it all out. The school expects too much and offers very little to be accomplished by a regular person. I know plenty of people that are tired of all this and are planning on leaving, I might actually join them unless something is done to keep everyone that attends this school happy and safe or else you might find a very high dropout rate in this school.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


One of the things that make this world full of joy is the never ending concept of love. In teens especially there have been studies that show how a teen really sees his or her relationship. What is it that makes it so alluring? How is it a problem among teens? What results will it have? People everywhere are always talking about their relationships with someone or how they can’t seem to get one. Why are people always talking about it? And is it really that big of a deal? Well I am definitely not an expert on the subject but I have done my research on it and will attempt to explain how it works and why it even exists. People have asked themselves what is love? No one so far has been able to answer this question with an answer that satisfies everyone that listens but it is fairly simple to be explained by teens or their version. Teens tend to have more troubles with relationships and seem to talk about it all the time. it influences their judgment and makes them think in a different way than a regular adult. What changes the way teens see their relationships?

Well to put it down scientifically teens feeling of love in their relationships is simply hormonal. Them turning sexually active and pairing off with a mate is actually a very normal part of nature that tells a being when to reproduce. The rest of the feeling of love is purely coincidental with the actions that are chosen by both of the mates. It may sound really bad when you want to be so black and white about it but that is basically the way it works. In our society it is something very important that everyone has to have, although it is not absolutely necessary for an individual’s to sustain his life and in some ways will not improve their life quality. One of the only things that teen relationships actually help is a person’s mental and emotional condition. By learning the way the mind works and helping them develop sharper social skills that might help them make their future relationship work better that it did before. This is why people usually get married later in their life because they have best experience at this point and they know what to expect. It is a proven fact that girls are way more emotional than boys. This is known because when a girl is in a relationship she sees the relationship as something more serious than it really is or than the boy of the relationship. If you ask the guy how long he thinks his relationship will last you will hear, “I don’t know, like 3 months”. When in a girl’s case she would say,”forever”.

When I was little I never really learned a lot about girls and relationships. I guess mainly because I never took that much interest in learning about girls. They seemed like really weird aliens of another species that lived on earth, io know it is strange but come on I was like what 7 or 8. But eventually I started to learn things by seeing others like my friends and my family. They taught me that I should always think about the other’s needs before your owns, also that I should always be as nice as I can when I am near a girl. Well back then these things seemed like a formality and something that was expected of you so I followed these strange rules blindly. Never did I question, eve to this day it is as natural to me as breathing. Some girls tell me I am too nice and I always tell them that it is just the way I was razed.

I have experienced this development when I went out with a girl in 9th grade. Although a lot of people had bad thoughts about her I always thought she was cool. In the end it did not work out because I was too shy around her and she didn’t think I was serious enogh for her so she eventually broke up with me. I felt devastated and sad but as the year went on I reflected on what I did wrong and I knew that I was too shy around girls. So the next time I went out ith some one later that year I tried my best to keep her happy but she was distant towards me and I thought that I must’ve been too shy towards her too so in paranoia I tried to be more enthusiastic about our physical contact. Thinking I had been doing alright with her and making her happy I later discovered from talking in the hallway that she was planning to break up with me at lunch. So I tried to evade her wherever I went. I did not think that I could take another break up so early. But eventually I gave up and faced her and she did as I expected. Later I could not find what I did wrong and eventually I realized that I was being too pushy and she didn’t feel comfortable. I felt like a total idiot for thinking I did right, but I had to know for sure. I went to her later to ask why she broke up with me and yet again my thoughts were right. Eventually I just gave up trying and accepted that I needed to work on my social skills first before I went out with anyone. This experience did help me understand how to act around of people and what I can do to better myself.

So in conclusion relationships are a part of life we could live with out but we prefer not to. The relationship is different on each of the member’s points of view. It can be a painful experience but enjoyable non-the less. And we can always learn from our mistakes in our past relationships to help us with future ones.