What is happening to this world that could ever let this terrible sin be committed? I am usually a very open minded person that would attempt to understand all sides of a story but this is a topic I seriously feel that should be dealt with. I will apologize in advance for my harsh language I am very familiar with this topic and my mind will speak freely about this. Child abuse is nothing to joke about. It is an extremely crucial problem that should not be allowed to continue. It already affects millions of people in the United States. Now try to imagine the rest of the world. As human being all who know about an event like this should speak up and seek a solution because it is not you who is being hurt it is another life that Is just starting off in the world and has no way to defend him or herself. You who have been guilty of this terrible crime or even you who have known about this being done somewhere near you and thought it more convenient to stay silent I hope that you try to see your acts in gods eyes and do not start crying in pain and agony begging for mercy when you are forever burning in the deepest pit of hell with the rest of the dammed for eternity.

Why do people do this? Well one of the reasons I have found in my research about its cause is that the adult responsible for this act is usually himself in a mental state of anger or frustration and has no one to blame but him or herself, so he does not accept this fact and takes it out on someone else. Of course that someone being person that cannot defend themselves against what is being done. Who is being targeted by the abuse? Well there are many people who are being hurt by abuse, be it emotional, sexual or physical for example gays are one of the many people that are abused. A person’s sexual orientation should not be a reason to abuse someone. There have been many cases in which someone’s parent show neglect towards a child for being homosexual, that will lead to an increase in the chances of someone committing suicide, using drugs, and doing the things done to him to someone else. Well as it has been proven many times in the past abuse is something that will bring nothing good to the world but more hatred and further abuse. Think about it this way if you are the victim of abuse for several years the result of that would be frustration. Now how would a person who was abused and knows no other ways of releasing stress do to get rid of his own, well the answer is simple, that person would do what he knows which is abuse others to feel better about his own problems.
So the simple basics of it are that there is no way to solve it except stopping it from starting or intervening before it develops. There are many types of child abuse and many reasons that people try to use to justify their actions but the truth is that no matter what way you want to look at it these actions are just immoral (wrong). It is impossible to pull this problem from the root but it’s not impossible to assure that it won’t happen again. Most of society would like to look the other way to believe that the world s a happy place where all is right only to prevent themselves from feeling guilty about being part of the problem which they are. Their silence will only cost children more pain for they say they are not doing anything to support it, well they aren’t exactly doing anything to stop it.
What some people ignore is the mental physical and emotional toll that it is taking on the actual victim. This victim should be supported or they might believe the whole world is in such lousy shape (and it kind of is), this could lead to things such as trust issues. Well overall the outcome of this is unpredictable and could cause even more troubles like homicide and suicide. Now the child may not do be able to do anything about it witch would lead to “learned helplessness” a mental problem that would lead someone to feel trapped or defenseless at times that may not call for such feelings, this could harshly affect a person’s social life. There are people who have been subjected to these horrors and manage to go on to lead perfectly healthy lives, when in reality no one can ever forgive and forget completely such a memory. In the country there are multiple reports of child abuse, too many to count, but the united states are still admired by some counties for its peace. The united states fails to understand how critical this problem is and chooses not to tell the rest of the world. This being important its not the point, the point is that if the united states a country admired for peace has such a magnitude of this problem the numbers of other counties or even the rest of the world are unimaginable. It may be hard to fully understand but there is almost an entire generation of children suffering from abuse from their parents, friends, relatives and others that may have untold consequences on society. The solution to this problem of suffering is to do our part to stop this horrific menace so that future generations may be free and not the least bit affected by the degusting ways of our time. I do so hope that this blog has made you somewhat more aware of what the next and current generations are going and wil be through and that you will do something to change not only yours but another person’s life in the process, if you wont do anything to stop it who will.
So the simple basics of it are that there is no way to solve it except stopping it from starting or intervening before it develops. There are many types of child abuse and many reasons that people try to use to justify their actions but the truth is that no matter what way you want to look at it these actions are just immoral (wrong). It is impossible to pull this problem from the root but it’s not impossible to assure that it won’t happen again. Most of society would like to look the other way to believe that the world s a happy place where all is right only to prevent themselves from feeling guilty about being part of the problem which they are. Their silence will only cost children more pain for they say they are not doing anything to support it, well they aren’t exactly doing anything to stop it.
What some people ignore is the mental physical and emotional toll that it is taking on the actual victim. This victim should be supported or they might believe the whole world is in such lousy shape (and it kind of is), this could lead to things such as trust issues. Well overall the outcome of this is unpredictable and could cause even more troubles like homicide and suicide. Now the child may not do be able to do anything about it witch would lead to “learned helplessness” a mental problem that would lead someone to feel trapped or defenseless at times that may not call for such feelings, this could harshly affect a person’s social life. There are people who have been subjected to these horrors and manage to go on to lead perfectly healthy lives, when in reality no one can ever forgive and forget completely such a memory. In the country there are multiple reports of child abuse, too many to count, but the united states are still admired by some counties for its peace. The united states fails to understand how critical this problem is and chooses not to tell the rest of the world. This being important its not the point, the point is that if the united states a country admired for peace has such a magnitude of this problem the numbers of other counties or even the rest of the world are unimaginable. It may be hard to fully understand but there is almost an entire generation of children suffering from abuse from their parents, friends, relatives and others that may have untold consequences on society. The solution to this problem of suffering is to do our part to stop this horrific menace so that future generations may be free and not the least bit affected by the degusting ways of our time. I do so hope that this blog has made you somewhat more aware of what the next and current generations are going and wil be through and that you will do something to change not only yours but another person’s life in the process, if you wont do anything to stop it who will.
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