There is a really big problem facing the entire world that has had its toll on the lives of the people being oppressed by others that try to harm them. Weather you see it or not since the beginning of time man has noticed the valuable fact that there is safety in numbers and will pair off to make a point in an argument like how to run the village or something like that. There is not too much that can really be done about it if you don't know exactly how to deal with it. This problem is the cause of many less than pleasant events. Some worst than others the outcomes of bulling varies from depression to suicide. Who is the one that is hurt by this the most? Why do people feel the need to bully? And what can be done humans do to stop this madness? Well this blog will not give you all of the answers you seek, but I know that it will give you some new found knowledge having something to do with this very important and important subject. This blog is not for someone specific to see but it will concern most parents.

Bullies are almost in every imaginable place on earth, so hiding from them is not the best way to avoid them because they usually tend to find you if they targeted you for whatever reason. In all kinds of shapes and forms bullies have a way of making their victim or victims lose not only confidence but hope. Most of the time a person will make go to incredible lengths to make a point and make everyone else see thing the way he does, why? Maybe for acceptance from the rest of the world, maybe they feel they need to whatever the reason it does not excuse their actions. One of the believed reasons that bully’s un-ethical behavior is that they themselves are feeling bad or are uncomfortable about something, so they use their tormenting as a way to make him or herself feel respected or accepted. Because no one is saying anything to stop them the bully late gains a feeling of acceptance from the others. This is one of the reasons that bullies are sometimes popular among their "friends" or "peeps". Another simple reason that reason that a bully is popular is intimidation cast by the bully, it’s a feeling that sais, “like me or else”. Think back to your childhood, what was it like? Were there bullies there? Did they bully you or someone else?
Of course the bully is the one to hold responsible but there are clearly people that are never fully held responsible for what the bullies do. For example the parents are an extremely big influence on the child's way of thinking and future actions, so by simply illustrating harsh behavior towards a specific group of people the child will learn harmful thinking about the group and proceed to duplicate the same behavior. Another group of people who are not recognized for this are the bullies "friends". They give a bully a sense of security that makes him or her even more unaffected by others. By hanging out with him the bully hears nothing but, “hey we accept you for who you are and we love the way you handle your problems”. Yet another factor that changes a person’s life for the worst may be a bad experience that made them see the world differently for example if a child witnesses a robbery committed by blacks then it is very possible that he will grow to hate that specific group and oppress it when he gets an opportunity.
The friends sometimes simply hang out with the character for "protection" or other reasons, unaware that their actions of staying silent are actually supporting the bully and his way of thinking. These people are just as responsible as the bully himself for they illustrate no signs of disapproval of the actions that they clearly see as wrong. This is a simple outcome of being scared themselves of the bully and searching for his good side so that they may be safe from him. For this reason the kids that witnessed this tormenting being preformed rarely ever inform the proper authorities, mainly out of their fear that the bully will find out of their “snitching” and will proceed to make this person it’s new target of torment until he is dealt with or he gets bored of him. Lastly the last thing that will be said of the reasons is that the biggest influence that effects these people, the ones that are to blame is society itself. The ones who do nothing to really stop it, they are the biggest reason for bullies to exist. If they can’t stand up for themselves then the next generation will have to. Literally the people of our world are cowards that will cause the rest of us a lot of pain and suffering.
So in conclusion there are many factors that affect a bully situation like parent, friends, and the victim. A bully will mainly target those who would probably not fight back. You will never see a bully go after a football player because it is easy to see that he will fight back. So I believe that as equals no one should have to suffer these kinds of thing because it's simply not right or convenient for anyone and in no benefits society. The world is full of cowards, there are many things to do to stop it but it is chosen not to. Everything in this world has more than one reasons for its existence and it should be simple. There are plenty of problems in the world that are filling this world with madness and despair, our world is falling apart as it is and people have plenty of pain to deal with we don't need any more problems when we are being overwhelmed by others.